
Relax, Read

IMA ClovenHow about some light reading on the way over?

CLOVEN - by Alistair Fall

Set against the backdrop of Mugabe's land grab in Zimbabwe, 'Cloven' tells the story of a desperate farmer who travels to London to try and force the British Government to intervene in the political madness that is going to bring starvation and misery to his country.

The farmer needs to do something to get the Government's attention; he sparks off a foot-and-mouth epidemic that spreads across the English countryside like wildfire. As the smoke from the funeral pyres of slaughtered livestock clouds the British skies, the farmer reveals that he has an even more dangerous card up his sleeve - and when he plays his hand, the Government must do the unthinkable - they must accede to a terrorist's demands. If you have ever wondered how - or why - the epidemic of 2001 was started, you should read 'Cloven'. And if you have ever wondered what other animal diseases the UK might be susceptible to, then you should definitely read it.

Read an excerpt from Cloven



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